Luther And Katharina By Jody Hedlund

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4. The romantic tension must be strong and gradually increase throughout the book. Obviously, a romance must have romantic moments between the hero and heroine. That doesn't have to mean we have to load our books with kissing or sex. My books have very few kisses and no sex, and yet I weave in a lot of sizzle. I also intentionally find ways to put my characters into romantic situations that fit with each unique story. For example, in Rebellious Heart, the hero Ben is the son of a shoemaker. At one point early in the story, I have him take the heroine's foot measurements. I shaped the scene to show the growing attraction between the two as she exposes her ankle and he touches her foot. With each scene after that, I keep putting them together in situations where that attraction has the chance to continue growing and deepening. 5. The romance must come to a satisfying conclusion (aka happily-ever-after). The couple must get together by the end of the book. They must overcome all the barriers that have kept them apart.

Luther and katharina by jody hedlund page

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Luther and katharina by jody hedlund rose

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March 12, 2021, 8:14 pm